A day in the life

By Shelling


My blip could have earned me an "early bird" reward since it's actually taken after midnight, but I choose to change the date of the picture and end this blip-year with a starry firework, some delicious food at an evening with a few friends who all know each other well. Sweden is a bit restricted even this New years eve and many has chosen to celebrate at home or in small gatherings.

Personally I look forward to next year with an open mind. Some things around me will change since I'm moving and will have to adapt to many new things around me, not the least having my things in all new places. 
My only wish for next year is to stay reasonably healthy and that the physical and mental closeness between people will have a chance to return, I'd like a hug when I need one and give one to the needy. I will stay curious and keep on challenging myself to continuously learn more about the important thing in life. 

I wish you all a good start to whatever lies ahead. 

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