Goodbye 2021
What better way to see out a year than with your not quite 2 year old cousin sticking stickers on you …. My girls are good sports as Martha ( age 22 months ) rearranged their make up … considering Martha’s age she was fantastic in the restaurant.. I took along a bag of goodies and it worked like a charm … 3 hours is a long time for a little one . To be fair 3 hours is a long time for me so I too enjoyed the crayons and stickers … the huge age difference in the girls is due to the huge age difference between Jim and my brother in law .. also Ben has waited until his mid 30s to have children…
Anyway thank you all for following me and my ramblings over the last year … I absolutely adore all the journals of yours that are on my follow list .. I may not always comment but I always read them and I look forward to catching up , it’s my routine and I hope it stays that way for another year xxxxxxxx
Happy new year xxxxx
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