A day back at the ranch!!
So I was back doing a bank shift at my old hospital. What a greeting I got!! from patients and staff. This is where I can make a difference! Poor pay.. but happy to be making the difference in mental health..
So have been short listed for interview.. phew... Would leave new job Tuesday if I could!! I can't and will have to continue under that unrealistic pressure a little longer..
It's been another very special year of moments on Blip and.you truly are all amazing. What a vast global community! priceless.
I will be In bed before 2022 arrives with ear plugs hoping on a NY day walk tomorrow...
As 2021 closes hold family and friends close and cherish those moments.
"Stay in the now! it's all we have"
Thanks for all your lovely stars and.comments over the year, I'm so sorry I don't get to reply but I do think of.you and thank you..
Take care
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