
By theBroon

A Load of Mince (Pies)

As witnessed in the very same local shop as the Empire/Iced Biscuit debate.

An elderly gentleman bursts through the doors of the shop and makes a beeline for the counter, brandishing a white paper poke (bag) in front of him .......

"What do you call this?" asks the gent thrusting the poke at the assistants, "I asked for a mince pie!"

The bewildered assistants look into the aforementioned poke.

"It's a mince pie !"

"Aye .......... but I asked for a mince pie!" says the gent, whilst pointing into the display cabinet.

"That's a Scotch Pie!"

"Mibbe ............. but it's what I get every time I ask for a mince pie from January to November!"

Happy Hogmanay!

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