...... of 2021 !!
Let's hope 2022 will bring healthier prospects for everyone. This year seems to have been harder to do than last , maybe because the summer in the UK hasn't been like that of 2020.whatever the cause let's hope for a better & healthy one for us all.
As you can see from the blip my charge for a couple of nights is Daisy. As she is displaying, she's very unhappy & can't wait to go home, lol. At least I've got company as we go into the New Year!
Enjoy the day , and stay safe & warm whatever you intend to do going into 2022.

Thoughtful ..... of how fortunate I am to have escaped , to date, all the viruses flying around the world at the moment.

A little bird had told me there is 2 birthdays today of father & son ???
Happy Birthday to you both A& J love you both xx

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