Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Weather :(

OK. Now I am really beginning to empathise with my fellow blippers about how cold it is here! It's enough already! Another day with the trees being swayed by that arctic wind. Then I noticed this snow all over the place. I haven't seen anything like it before. I am told it is sleet! Hmmm... No wonder the British talk about the weather so much.

Rather bravely, I ventured out into it in the afternoon. Friend Eileen wanted to go to Waterstones to browse for special educational books. I enjoyed browsing too. Waterstones in Bromley is so neatly laid out! On multiple levels, part of the store is open to ground level so you can see all the shoppers! And, and, I bought a couple of books! Exciting stuff... Periodic Tales - a novel about - you guessed it - the Periodic Table!! And Thinking in Numbers. You can tell I don't read for leisure. Only for information. Boring. I know.

So, got home and the "snow" had finally settled. I have blipped this garden several times before. I LOVE IT. A good image to sum up what the day has been like. Even the fire has been lit.

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