Bottoms up!

Firstly, thank you everyone for your responses yesterday to my 3285th consecutive blip, it's so good to be part of this community. Nine years almost done, don't stop me now.  Secondly, I'm amazed I was able to post the entry at all!  Messing about with the collage, finally uploaded about 23.30 last night, only to realize I'd got the number wrong - I'd written 2385 instead of 3285. So, deleted the entry which was a mistake as I lost the view count and a couple of comments. Then set about re-doing the collage  and uploaded shortly before going to bed. Only, because it was a new collage and after midnight, it registered as 30th Dec, not 29th which may or may not be why my entry didn't appear in the 'milestones' category.  Oh well. Finally realized my mistake when I tried to upload tonight's entry, and changed it, of course. 

Today's image for Abstract Thursday is the Christmas tree,  as seen through the bottom of my empty whisky tumbler!! This was at the end of a satisfactory day that included the successful delivery of all my bedroom furniture this morning, and the assembly of one bedside cabinet by bro this evening as I cooked dinner. 

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