
By Grammy


Cloudy with a high of 53 deg F. I could get used to this sleep in, carefree life with no ‘must do’ list. After breakfast, hubby and I drove to St. George Island, my home from birth to age six. I wanted to visit my relatives’ graves. Actually, most people buried here are related in some way. There is a large memorial stone listing other folks, including our relative who settled here from Germany, on the older unmarked graves. My sister always decorates our sister and father’s grave with sleighs of evergreens. The pic on the bottom right shows how foggy the day was but if you enlarge it, you can see the Piney Point Lighthouse which is a short walk from my sister’s home. The cherry tree she and I planted in memory of our father, had a tiny bird’s nest in its boughs. This stained glass Madonna was created by a family friend to honor our youngest sister; Mary is looking down toward her grave. The small very old marker on the bottom left is my paternal aunt who passed as a baby. Although I was named for my two grandmothers, we share the same name. The large gravestone in the next pic belongs to my paternal grandparents. I prefer the pinkish granite. I found this info on line about the church, which our ancestors help build. “The Saint Francis Xavier Chapel is significant as one of only two places of worship which survive on St. George Island. Funding for the construction of a Catholic church began in 1887 with a mass held at the Adams' Hotel. In 1889, Joseph and Sally Hobbs donated 19/100's of an acre next to the old island graveyard. The church was constructed in 1893. The church was closed in 1974 because the building was deemed unsafe. The roof fell in soon thereafter and the church filled with dirt and debris. In 1980, a group headed by Ann and Harrison Robrecht (our parents) restored the church building. In 1987 the church reopened as "Saint Francis Xavier Chapel" a mission of Saint George Roman Catholic Church in Valley Lee. Masses are not held every week at this location.” - Capsule Summary SM406. The church has Mass on most summer weekends and special occasions. We attended weekly when I was a child, usually with my paternal grandmother who was my beloved mentor. Hubby and I stopped at the local library and picked up four home COVID test kits that were being distributed throughout our county today. Then we enjoyed carry out lunch at DQ. We went on base and got hubby’s meds and came home for a nap. My daughter’s family continues to improve but I’ve been told a brother-in-law and nephew have COVID as well as the young man dog sitting at my son’s. It is simply everywhere. Hubby still has the terrible cough and sore throat. We should get his test results in two more days. Thanks for stopping by and leaving stars and kind comments. “I still miss those I loved who are no longer with me but I find I am grateful for having loved them. The gratitude has finally conquered the loss.” — Rita Mae Brown

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