Just the Withers......

By JaneW

All made by Lucy !

She weighed out and mixed and cooked AND decorated this lot all by herself .. They are to take to a blippers house tomorrow ...clever little beast .

We as in myself and Tit's dragged the kids on a dog walk and it only bloody well went and snowed on us !!! Then a freezing wind whipped up too ..so after enduring an hour we took a drive to the antiques centre at Long Marston to the cafe ... EXCEPT they were hostile and it was freezing in there so we got up and went else where ... If our money is not good enough FINE BY ME .. Clearly your half empty cafe is fine in this recession .. By the way the lady who threw menus at us had greasy hair.

So instead we went to Stratford garden centre where the girls serving were smiley and sweet and the food very good for the price ...

Came home and had a disaster .. Not like nuclear warfare or anything but almost the same ... MY CAKES DID NOT COOK PROPERLY :o oh dear god I now have no eggs left ... I shall have to buy shop cake !!!!! I am thrashing wildly ... Sort of,lying on the sofa ...

Ps the poo incident occurred AFTER I ate chocolate cake yesterday .. Some of you seemed concerned it occurred before I chomped on the cake ... Not that it would have put me off I hasten to add ..

ALSO the thing with Mr W and his shorts , yeahh he wears them ALL YEAR AROUND ... It can be in the minuses and he will not put his trousers on he hates them ... He has been known to wear them up mountains when we have been skiing ... I know the mans mad ... But he also used up get paid to get stamped on too (rugby) ... Freak .

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