
By EdwardHealey

Oxford for the day.

Went to Oxford for the day with a pal and here's a v rare photo of me, sort of...

We weren't quite sure how busy it'd be so close to Christmas but needn't have worried it was fairly quiet. I guess being a few days after the full Omicron thing blew up people had decided to stay away.

We had a potter around, some lunch plus tea and cake later. Visited a couple of galleries and a museum (more on that later); mask wearing very much being enforced by the security staff. On the museum, it was the History of Science Museum, all I can say is that if astrolabes are your thing you'll love it, if not then a swerve is recommended! 

Couple of extras including the Radcliffe Camera all lit up like a Christmas Tree as there was a film/TV production being made. Lots of screaming teenagers too so I'm not sure which celeb was present. 

[Mega back Blip session]

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