Symbols of Hope
Butterflies,stars, and candles. Thanks to our host, Cailleach, AaD, who has the best challenge rules!
Extra: a collage of some of my favorite pictures of Chester taken this last part of the year. What a nut he is!
Thank you all so much for the kind comments, stars, and hearts on my blip anniversary yesterday. You folks are just terrific. I want to thank everyone personally but I've been laying low because it appears both MFC and I contracted Omicron within the past week. It's been extremely mild but enough to slow us down. We haven't tested and we won't...there aren't many tests available in our area. I saved the one I have in case someone else who gets much sicker than me needs it. I don't feel a need to know and am doing pretty well with the supplement regimen I've been following.
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