
By Beewriter


I phoned Pat….I need to do a photo and I could do with some help. I need to dress you up and if your grandchildren could help out too that would be great. It will be tricky because the theme is ‘hope’ but I have an idea.

Thank goodness Pat is a good sport and is happy to join in. The kids came round all happy to join in too. I even managed get Stuart and the dog.

So….I hope this blasted covid virus just gets weaker and weaker. I hope we get some normality back in the world. I hope families and friends remember the little things we treasured during lockdown and we continue them. We all have so many hopes and fingers crossed they become reality.

We covered all angles….Pat was a splendid Covid virus. We fought it with dragons, swords, a wolf (well Meg actually), a light saber, bow and arrows, masks and hand sanitiser.

I nipped to the session at Leigh to snaffle a sick bowl for the hat I’m making for the NYD swim on Saturday. It’s been a creative day all round!

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