Grey (Day 2426)

The first call out of the Christmas holidays came in last night while my beautiful wife and I were immersed in a bit of Scandi Noir on the TV. A couple of hours later I got back home to watch a little bit more before bed.
This morning, I was off out to look at a dead shower in Orphir. Having confirmed it was dead, I collected a new one from town, then zoomed back to get it fitted.
After lunch, HV and I met up with L at the Black Craig for a wander with the dogs. We could have picked a better day weatherwise - it was very windy and as we turned for the cars it started to rain heavily.
We stopped off at the shed to see the horses. George was delighted to be able to get into the stable and out of the wind, though that may just have been because there was hay to munch on in the stable. Sigyn was really good and we managed to introduce her to Jasper without any biting from either party.
Back home to dry off and get some invoicing done.

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