Hello Lovely Blippers,

I’m sure you didn’t expect to see us again so soon but when we knew that Mrs. HCB would be celebrating a special Blipversary today, we asked if we could help her.  We wonder if you guessed that the title means 3285 on 29/12/2021? Can you believe it?  Nine years of blipping - and not only that, but 9 years without missing a single day and no back blips either. Crikey - we never thought she had it in her - no wonder the housework never gets done!

We know it’s not Silly Saturday, but we thought today could be designated as “Wacky Wednesday” and we think that Admirer, the clever lady who dreamed up SS , would be delighted to be associated with and remembered on WW - we’re sure you get our drift!

We also thought we would be a bit clever - and different - and use Roman numerals to celebrate this auspicious occasion and actually, it’s quite appropriate, given that 47% of Mrs HCB’s DNA is from Italy! She didn’t know about this until earlier in 2021 when she was thrilled to discover her Italian ancestry.  She also found she has two half sisters who live in America - guess where she and Mr. HCB hope to visit when this awful pandemic is over?

Of course, you will notice that our Blip family is growing too.  In the last couple of weeks, Little Brown Bear, Titch and Maurice have joined  us - long lost cousins we have been delighted to welcome into our Gang.

Today, as it’s a very special occasion, we have a distinguished guest and cousin named Kasper, who actually belongs to Mrs HCB’s friend, Gill.  I need to tell you that Kasper is not just any old polar bear - he is a Steiff Winter Swarovski polar bear.  He has joined us to add some glitz and glamour to the occasion and you can see he is wearing Swarovski crystals on his scarf and on his pendant.  We’re sure they are worth at least £3,285, if not more!

We know that Mrs. HCB would want to thank all those lovely Blippers who come by every day and leave a comment or give stars and/or hearts on her journal. We know she is also grateful to a group known as “The Fab Four” who keep this site up and running, even though they are very busy people.

The person Mrs. HCB is most grateful to though, is her long-suffering, brilliant, gifted and altogether great - roll of drums - husband, Mr. HCB - without whom she wouldn’t be able to do half she does.  We know, as you do, that he is her “Knight in shining armour”, her hero, her willing model - well, most of the time - and her best friend - in fact, we often hear her say that she wouldn’t be where she is today without him and he was very helpful today in setting up this shot and then deciding which one looked best.

We love living with the HCBs and always have great fun and adventures with them so please raise your glasses to congratulate them both on 9 Blipping wonderful years and here's to the next 9 years!

With love to you all from

JH Ted, CC, Penny Penguin, Maurice, Titch, Kasper, Snowy, Reeth, Tiny, Leyburn and LBB - and of course, Mr. & Mrs. HCB!

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