

Whilst it would be absurdly grandiose to suggest I have anything quite so well-defined as a personal philosophy, I do believe that you can have a happier life by rolling with the changes and making the best of things.

So, whilst I was very much looking forward to coffee and presents with the Minx, this morning, once it became apparent that that wasn't going to happen, I made an alternative plan, which was to go for a long run.

Back in the pre-pandemic days, I would run a half-marathon most Sundays and I'm aiming to get back to that next year. And whilst I was still running seven or eight miles earlier this year, I thought I'd push that a bit today and I went out and did nine and a half.

And I'm delighted to say that it was very comfortable and easy, thus putting my ambition to run the old Roman road from Bainbridge to Ingleton next year more easily in reach. (It's about twenty miles.)

Anyway... having showered and eaten, I then had a very intense couple of hours tidying and cleaning the house, which I finished with literally minutes to spare before Milly, Hannah, and Charlie arrived.

Man, it was so lovely to see them. We had a catch-up in front of the fire over a couple of drinks, and then everyone mucked in to get the food ready. (The turkey was already in; first thing I took care of after showering.)

And then Dan and Abi arrived from their mum's and we settled down for lunch, which was wonderful, despite the fact we were missing the Minx, miniMinx, and Izzy (visiting her partner in America).

And after eating we had presents, and I have to say my crowd are all great gift buyers. Pictured is my present from my twentieth century babies: an old theremin!

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