Scary Scarifier
This blip is dedicated to my dear friend Harebell to reassure her that the scarifier is not scary! Hope this puts her mind at rest! In fact it is doing a good job of getting rid of the moss, hope you can see the first mounds which are being removed. It does need some strong muscles though, still in training ....
Two lots of workmen came during this morning to clear away the debris left when the men came to put a new water stop cock down in our road. The second pair tidied up the edges and put down some fresh asphalt! MrD is very impressed with the result.
I painted a couple of windowsills this morning, did some washing which dried nicely in our freezing cold wind. Had a few minutes in the greenhouse too, watering the bulbs planted a few weeks ago, many of them are sprouting nicely - when the weather warms up all the pots can go outside.
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