eight inches and fluffier hummers

And it is still snowing... Made it to work. fired the truck up and the defroster fan didn't want to work. Sigh. Shut the truck down, fired up the auxiliary heater, got it nice and toasty in the truck, turned the switch dozens of times and still wasn't going to work. Since this could be a fix that takes time, they won't send out a truck to fix it, must be taken to the shop. Work the boss up and was asked to take the spare truck - it isn't winterized yet, plus being on an overnight run, I had would have to move my sleeping bag, extra food, clothing,....   and the load would be very late. So, I'll go in early tomorrow, put the 8 chains, tie downs and.. into the spare truck and then work locally.

On a more positive note - I see all the birds getting fluffier despite the temps dropping to 19 F / -7 C at night and then the two socks I put on the hummingbird feeder kept it from freezing. So one more day at home and then I will go play on the freeway..

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