An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Team work makes the dream work...

Despite setting my alarm for 8am, I was the last person to make it downstairs faulty snooze button ;-)

As I headed up the hall the unmistakable scent of grilled bacon wafted towards me and when I got the the kitchen I was greeted with the sight of Ele and David collaborating beautifully in the making of a hearty breakfast.  The table was set (including HP sauce and tomato ketchup.  Classy :-) Andrew, Nikki, Esme and Jen were watching Scooby Doo, and Kenny and Lola were having a fun time with one of her new toys.  Ah.....domestic bliss :-))

We all enjoyed breakfast and laughed as Esme tried black pudding for the first time.  I always love seeing children experience things for the first time, such a magical moment, although not sure her putting a rather large piece of black pudding in her mouth, giving it a couple of hearty chews then watching her face contort and her mouth open wide as her tongue ejected said black pudding on to her plate could be described as magical!  lol  Her accompanying YUK!  left us in no doubt to her opinion.  I wonder if that experience will have put her off for life or if she will try again someday.

After breakfast Andrew, Nikki and Esme headed off home.  David, Ele and Jennifer wrapped up cosy and took Lola for a walk on the moor.  Kenny and I looked up Cal-Mac's website to look at the sailings from Ullapool to Stornoway for May.  I think we're going to book the early sailing so will head up to Ullapool the day before and stay there rather than get up at 2am to drive up.  

Coffee and cake when Ele, Jen and David arrived back, although not for David as he headed into the pool with Alan.

The rest of us watched the end of Calamity Jane, then My Fair Lady.  They left just as West Side Story was starting (my favourite film :-) so I continued watching that.  Can't remember the last time I just sat and watched so much TV all in one go.  After the hectic day yesterday, it felt like a lovely indulgence.

Dinner was Nigel Slater's Perky Turkey which is soooo good and polished off the last of the turkey. That made me happy as I hate waste.  Then a wee glass of Prosecco to finish off a bottle, come crochet and a Tom Sellick movie ended another lovely day.

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