
By LifeLines

Christmas Ornithology

Today we’d planned to visit one of Andy’s sisters for a dog walk but the weather forecast was so wet (again) we agreed to postpone meeting up until a drier day. It felt a good decision as we laid in bed this morning listening to the rain pouring in the semi-light.

Instead we’ve been bird spotting by means of a jigsaw puzzle, and had a few wet dog walks. I’ve also done a little writing up of aromatherapy treatments and planning of new ones. My knowledge and skill is slowly improving - I think.

These days between Christmas and New Year can feel odd. You are out of your usual routine and can easily slip into what feels like an underground existence, unsure of what you’ve done day to day other than, in my case, walk, eat and sleep. I like this time to rest and have freedoms from the usual ties, to reflect and plan, and recuperate. I understand many probably feel different but it serves a purpose for me.

Merlin is telling me it’s his dinner time and I shall get no peace until he has eaten, so I’ll say cheerio and wish you a good evening!

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