The tale of the disappearing bird...

I spotted this waterbird (not sure what it is!) today on the Binnen Alster lake in Hamburg, and decided he'd make a good possible blip. I got out my camera and went to get a better position to take his picture, but when I was ready he'd disappeared. I couldn't figure out where he'd gone, but I decided to take some shots of boats. Suddenly (after at least half a minute) he was there again in the same position, but this time he had a fish in his mouth! He'd been diving for food... I took lots of pictures of him leisurely eating the fish then and there on the water, and this one came out best (although he's already finished off the head). A few seconds after this, he manoeuvred the fish into a suitable position and swallowed the rest whole! Amazing to watch, this made my day (not from the fish's point of view though - best not to think about that!).

I'm still working on the essay - it WILL be sent off by tomorrow evening at the latest! :-)

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