By Yorkshirebred

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Decided to go for a quick walk this morning before church, so gave in and visited my hubby’s memorial tree up on the golf course.  I didn’t have any flowers so hand bound some Skimmia and put that by the plaque.  It is a great view from up there - better on a clear day!  If you have really good eyesight you may be able to see the viaduct where we sometimes walk.  Daughter and son-in-law arrived just as I was leaving.  After a chat I realised it was after 10 o’clock and I had to be at church for 10:30.  Sped off down the road, got home, quick yoghurt for breakfast and a change of clothes and just got there in time.  A nice service.  Back home I started to prep Christmas dinner,  but Mr Masterchef son decided he wanted to do it.  A very good job he made of it too, and he added Yorkshires which were crispy and delicious (extra).  Ate too much as you do, and we consumed a fair bit of wine.  I then went onto water before visiting friend H for a while.  Good day, but not much sleep between the midnight service and this morning’s walk, so an earlyish night for me!  Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas Day!

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