Silly Saturday ...

... and Merry Christmas!

We spent the morning at home unwrapping our gifts from each other.  And Cheddar was a huge help ... see Extra photo! He just loves boxes of any sort!  We had this one in the living room so that we could put all the wrapping paper in it ... but first we had to get him out of it!  Such a cutie!  Kiera was overwhelmed by the festivities and wouldn't come upstairs.  She still has a small present to open as I write this up. 

After lunch we wanted to get out so we drove to the Plainfield Rail Trail for a walk.  While walking we are always on the look out for chipmunks but today we didn't see any.  We returned home via the Nazareth quarry to see the snow geese.  There were even more than last Sunday.  

When we returned home I put out my Christmas squirrel prop even though the light was fading by now.  At one point I got up to adjust the prop when out of the corner of my eye I saw what I thought was a chipmunk!  Was it?!? Could it be?!?  YES!  It was one of the chipmunk youngsters!  I really couldn't believe my eyes!  We have NEVER in all the many years (28!) that we've lived here seen a chipmunk in December ... much less on Christmas!!!

I quickly abandoned the squirrel prop and set myself up just inside the sunroom with the door open with the hopes of getting some pictures. And to my utter delight the chipmunk came to the peanuts I had put out for him.  This just made my day!  I love chipmunks!

I hope all that celebrate Christmas had a Merry and safe one.  

For those interested ... I've done a quick catch up on my journal starting with Wild Kiera.

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