Blips and blops

By Mags

Happy Christmas!

Happy Christmas everyone! We had a lovely day! We started with homemade pancakes with bacon and maple syrup washed down with Buck’s Fizz! Then after some impromptu WhatsApp calls with relatives from France and some that are here from Jamaica we had a nice walk with Mr L. I received lots of lovely messages from colleagues and students in various parts of the world and we checked in with a few friends who have had to isolate. We also have two friends in hospital just now - remembering them at this time.
We decided to have a change this year and we splashed out and bought chateaubriand. It was our first time cooking it. I have to say it was absolutely delicious! That was our 43rd Christmas dinner together! We reckoned our first Christmas dinner we cooked when we were married 38 years ago didn’t cost as much as the chateaubriand!!

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