Wine,Women & Song

By CelloNerd

A subtle shade of pink

I spent a small part of my afternoon with these lovely folks, Ralph and Tiffeny. The beautiful bar setting is not one of Bellingham's trendy new wine bars, but 13 Nails Salon where I treated myself to a manicure and a new coat of subtle pink polish.

13 Nails has been around in the Fairhaven neighborhood for about 3 years and provides some of the best and most affordable manicure and pedicure services around. With a bar up front, you can enjoy a glass of wine or a cold beer while your feet are having a soak.

I've never been one to paint my nails, and never even wore nail polish until just last year! Hard to believe, but it's true. Due to endless hours of piano and cello playing, I've kept my nails pretty short all my life, and didn't think nail polish would do me any good - - but it does! Throw in being somewhat tomboyish and it's no wonder I'm only now discovering what combs, hairbrushes, slinky skirts, and nail polish can do for a gal.

By the way, I got to enjoy that glass of champagne in the photo while my nails were being painted! A big thank you to Ralph and Tiffeny and 13 Nails!

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