Its the Way It Is

By Jeano


is normally a time for getting together with family and friends.

But because the Covid numbers are raging in Ireland, we have to cut out the socialising part of it.

So tomorrow I will spend it with my daughter… depending on the weather, we will swim and walk the beach. Visit my husband’s grave with flowers and generally have a quiet day.

As HJ is vegetarian, we will be enjoying nut roast (Freespiral’s recipe) and my homemade trifle. Plus a slice of Liz’s excellent plum pudding with Baileys fresh cream.

I will watch lots of fillums and of note a little gem on TG4 Into The West @6.45pm which was shot around Dun Laoghaire and Bray and it’s a nice story.

Wishing everyone a Happy Christmas - I hope you will be ensconced in your cosy home, with turf for the fire and in the company of good people.

I came across this randomly on tinternet. What a melodious voice

Nollaig Shona

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