Old stomping ground

Went to visit my pal in Hyndland.  My God! When did Hyndland  become so posh! The prices in the shops! I went into the second  hand shop in the photo and I looked at a zany pair of trainers  then looked at the price! £275. I said to the equally posh shop assistant  " are they new" "no" dear " they're Stella mcCartneys" "really " said I,  she's been dead donkeys years! She gave me a look that said  get out of my shop you Philistines. So I did. Who the hell would pay that for a pair of second hand trainers! My next port of call was Cassiopia where lo and behold did they not have carved tpopgraphical map of South Uist and it wasn't as eye watering as the trainers so I bought it as the guy that makes them supplies very few shops. I then paid homage to  Paddington  Bear whose been watching over the good burgers of Hyndland since I was in  school. He had a few Christmas cards. Final stop was the butcher's but with a huge Q I gave it a miss. Still it was nice to stroll round the place of my childhood. 

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