Life Savors

By osuzanna

Northern Cardinal

I couldn't wait to give the new lens a test drive so headed out to Huntley Meadows this morning.  The lens is much heavier than my 100-400 so the 1/2 mile walk out and back wasn't quite as easy and as I can't use it handheld except for a quick shot I needed to take the tripod and gimbal too.  

Needless to say, I am very pleased with the lens.  Many had said it wasn't quite as sharp as the 100-400, but to my eye, I could see no difference and the extra reach really makes a difference in places like Huntley Meadows.  In the backyard, not so much. 

I usually don't take photos of Northern Cardinals at Huntley Meadows as they are so commonly seen in my backyard, but I was trying the lens out on anything and everything.  I really loved the unusual background on this.  It is a dead tree covered in lichen with the sun hitting it.  I wasn't quick enough to get it with the berry that it had just swallowed.  

Here are a few more shots from my test run.  Flickr

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