Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

2553. Out on our walk

I took my new wee Sony compact with me this morning when we went out for a walk but its a pretty dreich day with no sunshine and the light is poor.

I spotted these wee birds in a tree on the path we walked along but thought they would be completely hidden by the branches of the tree but this image actually came out ok.

We've just had a lovely lunch of steak with a red wine sauce and lazy mash with vegetables...and it was delicious.  We always have a nice meal on Christmas Eve which I try and make a bit special and hubby has started to cook the turkey for tomorrow which will be a quiet day, just us and my youngest over for the day.

I have been helping my friend with her eBook again today as things are pretty hard for them just now and my heart goes out to anyone facing chemo or other treatments for cancer at this time as it's heartbreakingly tough for them.....

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