fovea centralis

By fovea


our skyherbs from last spring didn't survive the winter; but the mint should make a come back. we'll just need to replace the basil and rosemary.

anyway, the basket has a coconut lining and these little finches have been pulling out strands every morning for the last few weeks: nest building. the male has a soft, yet colorful red head & breast, while the female is mostly a brown/grey. they are a cute pair; working together, chirping as they go.

this afternoon's rain storm must have had some strong winds, b/c B noticed this little guy in our basket. a fallen egg. we didn't touch it, but i used chop-sticks to tuck some of the loose coconut lining around it. i don't think it can be saved, but i like to think that maybe it can. i don't want to give up hope, because you never know the miracles life has in store....

maybe the finches will be able to move their whole nest down to our basket, maybe they can figure out a way to transport it back....who knows.

i know the probability is low, but i will still hold out hope.

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