Veni, Vedi, Veci at Km 487

Strava Day 207/75 Hard Off Phase Day 25. Two liters, reading and outdoor exercise done. Strava has just given the Year End statistics and it was quite surprising. Thought I have only logged just a little under a hundred miles of walking and occasional runs but it said a total of 666 miles has already been recorded. The monthly walking and running challenges has surely helped with the motivation to literally go the extra mile. Mentioned this to my Pa and he said he has been averaging 40 km a day and roughly 200 miles of biking per month. In case you missed it, previously mentioned that he is 66 years old already and remains among my top inspirations with regards to wanting to staying active regardless of age.
Three things which made me proud: Conquered my fear of stray dogs at several stops, Resisting the known route and choosing a way I've never tried before even without the promise/assurance of a good photograph and deciding to focus on tasks first before the impulse to share this view on Instagram.
T woke up earlier than usual and did not feel like having breakfast but was eager to do "Science research" on ants. It is sometimes scary how serious he is on his research and experiments. His knowing about the term myrmecology as a real/existing field has seemingly increased his snobbery (definitely not a good trait to develop and should be nipped in the bud).
Grateful for the time I spent dancing with T yesterday. We were also able to watch an episode of Big Bang Theory where Raj met a girl with social anxiety. When the girl character said that she was in the comic book store (even if she doesn't like comics) because she was forcing to put herself in uncomfortable situations, T exclaimed: Just like you!
Featured photo is from an unknown spot. Realized the other day that even if I have mostly lived here for more than half my life, I still do not know the names of the streets and have not memorized town markers.
Here's to you finding kernels of calm today amidst the expected Holiday hustle and bustle.

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