jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Amberley Working Museum

What a brilliant day! Up early with the boys (they decided that 7am was time to get up today), a brisk walk by myself to buy milk, and then before lunch we managed to get out to Amberley. I've wanted to take mum there ever since Steve took me for my birthday almost a year and a half ago.

It was brilliant! Apart from being bitterly cold and STILL trying to snow. And apart from the awful moment when I got to the til at the cafe and realised I didn't have my purse, having put it Somewhere when I got back from the shop in the morning, and it hadn't made its way back into my handbag. Thankfully mum and dad weren't far away.... Still, what a moment :-/

But the Bean loved it. He was interested in things. He wanted to see everything. He wanted to touch things. He refused to talk to anybody, but right at the end he acknowledged the existence of the man who was making brooms and allowed him to help sit Bean up on the stool to help make a broom. Still didn't talk, but at least he helped! We left the boys' printed names in the print shop sadly - but that's ok, I'll call them in the morning and see if they still have them. Mum bought us a year's membership so I can take the boys whenever we want this year!!!! :D :D :D :D

I think this marks the beginning of a new phase of Holidays with Purpose, building any holidays we take around somewhere specific to take the Bean. Museums and such. Up til now he's not really been that interested, preferring to run around mainly, but now he's showing interest in things and asking millions of questions we ought to go and investigate things more!

Bear was pretty interested too but his favourite thing was the broom that Bean helped make. He brought the thing back all the way from the shed to the car, pretty much. Well, most of the way.

Great day :)

Just need the Bear to settle down and sleep a bit more now. He's so far woken up and cried EVERY 45 MINUTES and it's starting to drive me a bit crazy :/ I have no idea what has been up this past week other than daddy not being around and the grandparents being here instead but surely that can't be causing him to not be able to fall asleep easily at night?! He's always loved his sleep and been happy to go to bed, still is happy to go to bed and wishes he could sleep but just can't get comfy or something. Poor Bear. Ah well.

Oh and this evening's intensi-toddy is GORGEOUS. Even after nearly boiling dry after I had to go and re-settle the Bear while making it. Yum.

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