Three brolly walk.

Christmas haircut today courteous of our younger son.

We’d a walk after my trim; wet from start to finish. Dreich day.

Almost 120,000 covid19 cases declared today in U.K. Welcome news from the universities of Strathclyde and Edinburgh and Imperial College, and UKHSA; omicron hospitalisation is less likely than other variants, if booster vaccinated. Seeing disruption to NHS, Services etc and general society; if left unchecked it’ll be bad news for a while. We know folks in several walks of life who’ve tested positive in last week. New restrictions in many EU countries where rates less than U.K. (only Denmark is higher in this part of world). Scottish Government today added nightclub closures to this week’s protective measures programme. Emerging indications too re vaccine's ability to stop you catching Omicron; starts to wane 10 weeks after a booster dose. Hopefully this wave will have passed by then. 70% boosters now done in Scotland.

Older son finished up today for Christmas break. Sounded harassed. Various folks in management chain missing.

Christmas Eve tomorrow.

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