The Auld Grey Town

At long last the van was in the workshop to have the spare wheel reattached to the underside. The Ford design for this mechanism is probably the worst I've ever come across, and near impossible to fix either single handedly or without a lift/pit. Fortunately the garage told me it was a "can't possibly be more than couple of hours max Guv*" job.
Excellent, thought I, I can combine it with a coffee and a trip to the the dentist to repair me.
Six, yes six, hours later I was still trudging the streets of Kendal waiting for the van to be fixed. Eventually they called, they're also now not fans of Ford's stupid design! Wonderfully, they only billed me for the two hours quoted. A good way to build customer loyallty.

* OK, I added the "Guv" for comic effect.

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