
It was a wet day. In the morning it was the kind of light drizzle that almost doesn't seem very wet. It is only when you have been out for a while you realise you are soaked. In the afternoon we had proper rain. At least it was not snow, and despite the temperature it has not frozen. In fact the day felt almost balmy as the temperature rose to 4ºc.

Looking at the light I feel I have been transferred to somewhere on the arctic circle. The days never seem to get light.

A view of Fittie again today. This is the most northerly square, which I think may have been the very first part of the development. It is the largest of the squares, and the only one that is actually square, the others are rectangular. In the centre stands the Mission. I could see the heating was going full blast in the Mission.

The building towards the far end of this terrace is unusual. It is by far the tallest building in Fittie. It could almost be described as a skyscraper. It is four floors high, and the height of each level is greater than that of the adjoining buildings. I was told levels were added for each of the children of the owner. He must have been a very prosperous fisherman. However I have no idea if this is the true explanation.

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