
By strawhouse

Blood Giving

I went to give blood today for the second time. After the gluttony of yesterday I was pleased to hear that they take 500g of blood which is a pound. Just in time for weigh in tonight!!
A woman fainted right in front of me not long after I got there, and then another man had a turn lying in one of the chairs, so I was feeling a bit more anxious than last time.
They did the pinprick test to check that your blood sinks and therefore contains enough iron. Then it was over to the chair with me.
She put the cuff on ridiculously tight and my arm and hand went numb.
She ummed and ahhed, undid it, faffed about a bit, stuck a giant needle in my arm which hit a nerve and caused agonising shooting pains down my arm, called a colleague who stuffed cotton wool on it, called another colleague who started filling out a report and giving me leaflets about all the potential issues - which she reminded me I’d read all about in the pre-donation leaflet.
So that was that. No donation, a complete waste of time, a painful arm and a pound on at Fat Club!
And I had the Orange Club as I was feeling sorry for myself.

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