Red sky in the morning...

This red sky only brought some very pretty frostiness and although sky remained cloudy the day was fair enough.  Now it is clear that crane number two was only brought in to resite this crane.  Today it is upright, so difficult to identify, but the oak behind the house on the left has finally shed its leaves, so it will be completely visible when horizontal.
What a fandango posting has been over the past couple of days: my 21 December entry (uploaded Wednesday) kept coming and going and has now finally settled down.  Currently this entry has the wrong date on it but I'll fix that as soon as I can.
In other news: omicron continues to spread rapidly here in the UK but still we receive no straight answers as to how severe an illness it causes.  In the meantime we plod on with festive preparations, hoping that no one tests positive in the next few days!

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