Convenient capture

I knew it was going to be another busy day today with a late night, so I took the chance this afternoon when I stepped out of the office for a stretch of the legs and coffee to blip the parliament (again). So this is no tripod, no blue hour and in the daylight, proving I'm not a vampire and do go out in sunshine :-) I just really liked the way the light hit the back of the parliament and reflected across the Danube.

Another wonderfully cool thing happened today I had a lamb named after me :-). Sue (54 Daisies) convinced her friend one of the lambs should be called Steve, what more could a Welshman ask for :-)

Thank you for all your lovely comments, hearts and favs for my Blue Danube blip yesterday I was blown away by the response.

I'm travelling home to Wales tomorrow first time in about 5 weeks so I'm really looking forward to it, probably airport blip tomorrow :-)

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