
By Frontier


Dr. Lonnie Smith - Son of Ice Bag

Had the day off and did some quick cooking. The wife bought an easy to follow recipe book in Japanese. Really easy recipes in there that are quick to cook. I usually find recipes on the internet but they’re geared towards audiences who have access to different produce. Some of the ingredients are hard to find if I follow them. This book uses ingredients that are common in Japanese supermarkets so it has found shortcuts to making bolognese sauce for example. I like making bolognese sauce from scratch but the ingredients are three to four times more expensive (finding and buying pancetta here…). So the alternative is not too bad.

Anyway, it’s fun and relaxing. Above is an eggplant and minced meat with soy sauce and butter. Spring onions on top. Japan has made their own iterations of pasta dishes. Some with fish eggs (mentaiko pasta).

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