
Today is my birthday! 40! Gutted! Ha
Mike woke me with gifts - silver mannequin bodies x2 v retro and a spa day (massage, mani etc.) I'm going to take Manda. Also got a designer handbag off Emilie - bless :)
Then we took melody to nursery before heading into town - did some shopping and got my eyebrows done before going for a drink at my venue on Saturday - more shopping and then collected melody
Typically melody didn't sleep at nursery today! So plans were thwarted so she could nap (the meltdown wouldn't be worth it) only half hr but I knew she'd be later tonight
Popped some bubbles then Jed round with zac flowers and choc - we all headed out to eat
Melody had an ace time eating loads of her favs - cucumber sweetcorn peas pasta chips and whatever else she could pilfer :) inc some ice cream sundae
Home and made stew as time is tight tomoz - em bathed melody and she loved it! Em bought melody a giant gruffalo today and room on the broom and monkey puzzle book - wonder how long before I can recite those word for word too..
40 is no different to 30 except more baggy eyes

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