Busy, busy, busy

When my human is busy it means that I have to have my walks in the dark. When I have my walks in the dark I get hardly any run about time. This morning I went to 'Bruntsfield Links' first thing, but I only got let off my lead for about 5 mins. Boohooo.

Ann was working at 'Wilkies' 9.30am – 1.30pm. She came home, took me round the block (in daylight) and then I had to stay 'home alone' again while she went off to do a 'meet & greet', followed by a Waitrose shop. Waitrose was absolutely mobbed!!

Oh and see 'extras' for what was looking at her through the window of her M&G.................... I am soooooo jealous!!!

Ann came home at about 3.45pm but by that time it was pitch dark again and she was very tired. However, what was the first thing she did when she got home?...................... She took me for another walk in the dark. And it was raining as well. Boohoooo..................

Ann loves her job at 'Wilkies' and she loves doing 'Meet & Greets' but after doing nothing for almost 2 years, she's actually finding work life quite exhausting. Well she's not getting any younger is she?

By 4.30pm, she suddenly realised she'd been on her feet since 9.15am and hadn't had anything to eat or drink or even been to the toilet??!! I know, I know. TMI. Lol!

Anyway all is good now................... She's had 3 glasses of Diet Coke and some cheese & biscuits. Just poured herself a glass of wine while she summons up the energy to cook dinner.

And as for me..................... I'm the bestest little collie pup ever. I just fit in with whatever Ann wants me to do. I've gobbled up most of my dinner and am now happily snoozing in my little bed.

Happy Wednesday Evening Blippers. xxx

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