Chubby Chops

Daughter Number 1 came down today with Baby M. They came to me while I waited for my final food delivery before Christmas..... forgot dishwasher tablets.... damn!

Then we went for Walkies with Daughter Number 2 and Baby J. Stopping for coffee and cake.  Bella went into protective mode trying to round us all up again.

Both babies were impeccably behaved and I was thrilled to see the outfit Baby J was in.... a hand me down from Sam from 27 years ago!!! wish I'd got a picture!!!

Mr W and Lady Linda arrived home from Kendal at around 5pm. We had homemade fish pie with DN1 and Baby M before she headed back to DN2 now her spare room is finished.  DN1 is their 1st over night visitors!!

Here is Baby M while we waited for the shopping.  Hes sitting really well but still needs cushions behind him to break his falls!!!

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