What A Way To Make. A Living
Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,
It was definitely a gentle day after our late night. I walked Murphy and then made a cake with The Eldest Mini Princess* for The Prince’s birthday tomorrow.
We had family pizza night and watched Hawkeye. It is going to be lovely having all of us at home for a couple of weeks. I am off right through Christmas until the 11th January. I mainly intend to eat mince pies washed down with mulled wine**.
*The Youngest Mini Princess was working. She has a temporary weekend job at one of the Royal Mail sorting offices. She likes to tell us that she is a working girl. I’m not sure this is quite the image she intends to convey to her parents!
**I dictated a shopping list which included a bottle of mulled wine. It appeared as “mould wine”!
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