
By LifeBeginsAt22

Sleepy Baby

Babysitting the most gorgeous little 1 year old tonight while his Mummy is out to celebrate her birthday. He fell straight asleep... after having a bottle, throwing up all over the both of us, changing pjs and a few screams! (I did have to call my Mummy to ask if his arm will fall off if he fell asleep with his head on his arm!!!) Just finished washing baby sick out of my watch and pandora bracelet... Definitely have a few things to learn before I start popping them out!!! Still can't wait for that day though!!!!

Spent the afternoon in Staines doing more shopping! Didn't spend much though as I returned a couple of birthday presents from my ex haha Mummy dropped me in town to go exploring while she did a couple hours of work.

Ah I forgot to buy some Sudafed for my block up sinuses! More Lemsip when I get home tonight please Mummy!

Emily XxX

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