West Endy Trendy!

Had to take a day trip to Glasgow to return #1 duaghter's car. So left it suitably clean, washed & fueled up. Only had enough time to drop car off, run into the house then hot foot it to Great Western Rd to ctch the bus back to Argyll.
En route I blipped some of my fav houses in the area I grew up in as a child. Indeed I have been in quite a few of these houses in the photos.
On the bus I managed to sit beside the grumpiest auld bird there who growled at me that I was sitting on her skirt! It could have been worse though as I could have sat beside the canvas bag knitting, sushie eating tree hugger on the other side!
Anyways home now and cooking lamb chops as I havnt eaten the entire day!
Happy blipping all

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