
By WilsonsNewDad


Wilson has been rummaging through the recycling bin again, and has come across one of my 'adult' magazines – New Scientist.
I try my best to keep him away from these as he tends to have an existential crisis after reading the more metaphysical articles.
Nërp has started reading this issue, which features many troubling concepts.
Concepts such as:
Why is there something rather than nothing?
Why does time move forward?
Why is the universe just right?
What is consciousness?
Why haven't we heard from aliens?
I'd really rather Nërp weren't reading this, but far better him than Wilson!
Although I do recall an old episode of Star Trek when Captain Kirk caused a massive computer to self destruct just by asking it 'Why?'...

As Doctor Who once said, 'We are now half way through the darkness…'

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