View from the croft gate

By Croftcrafts


The Things you do for blip! I walked down the hill tonight to the toilets and low and behold there was this beautiful sunset and I didn't have the camera with me so I about turned and climbed the hill to the house. Now this is not just a little hill it is very steep and I was trying to hurry, puffing like mad and breathless I reached the house and grabbed the camera, jumped in the car and went back down, jumped out the car with the camera and the card was full so had to delete a few pictures so that I could take some. This was the view is saw and just managed to get before it disappeared completely.
This afternoon I was spinning at R with J and had a lovely afternoon. I am really enjoying the spinning.
Weather today was overcast and cloudy all day so I was very surprised when I saw this sunset.

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