Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Christmas Day Dilemma

The dilemma of our Christmas day plans has been really occupying our thoughts for the last few days and today was the day to make a decision. We'd been invited and accepted a very kind invitation to go to our friend Isabel's home to have Christmas lunch with her family.  There would be 12 people, four kiddies under 4 and four dogs. All family except us and Isabel's friend who she has coffee with every morning after they walk their dogs.  Of course, with the rising numbers of the Omicron variant, this number of people in a normal sized flat round a table eating and drinking for hours was concerning us. Three of the four kiddies go to nurseries.  We hummed and hawed over and over again, and then finally decided not to go. It wouldn't have been easy to relax into the Christmas spirit.  We were concerned that Isabel would take it badly, but she was absolutely fine and to be honest, I think she'd been half expecting it. What a relief! She then told me that her daughter-in-law's father and partner may also be pulling out as they were very apprehensive.  

By the end of the day the news was out that the Catalan government want to reduce gatherings to 10, introduce a 1am to 6am curfew, reduce restaurant capacity to 50% and close all night clubs and bars. They need permission to do this and they'll be making an official announcement on Wednesday. 

We've now ordered our Christmas chicken from our local butcher and we'd already bought stuffing, cranberry sauce and mince pies from the British shop, just in case.  Add some veggies and we'll be set.

Some Aptis during the afternoon and online shopping for family in Scotland. Let's hope there isn't a repeat of last year when the Christmas books for our great nephew and nieces were delivered in spring!  It should be this week!  In the evening, Bb and I walked to a shop where I'd bought cushion covers a few weeks ago for our front room. A case of 'nice in the shop, but not in our room'!  We exchanged them for others and so fingers crossed.

Home for home-made meatballs from the freezer for dinner.

My blip is of our coffee table, with an attempt to make things Christmassy. 

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