A little florist…

We needed an outdoor activity this afternoon and a bug hunt in the garden seemed a good idea that proved the incentive to put boots and coat on. Not many bugs at this time of year though but we found plenty of worms . We then turned our hands to floral arrangements and had a great time. In fact we made four! All now decorating the living room…

We began the day by making a gingerbread village, actually mostly eating the decorations. Granddad was a more skilful builder and we appreciated his patience.

After bath and bedtime stories, we had to say our goodbyes. Esmée asked why we were going home and please come again soon. It was hard to leave. So wonderful to have these days with our beloved family. Théa is much happier and Andréa too. Joff has managed to keep working. We’re spending Christmas Day with the other half. More good times ahead.

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