Frosted Rooflines

Many thanks to all the introverts out there who responded with their eye colour and allergy history. Slowly but surely I'm building up quite a dossier on you! I think it's fair to say that there was no obvious correlation. It would have been fun to have found something significant but I didn't really expect to. There are so many factors involved and it is always dangerous to try to oversimplify things where nature and nurture are concerned. The two are always so inseparably entwined.

I've had a lousy day at work. There's no beating about the bush. My head has been struggling with the load. My mind has been glazing over when it has come to making decisions. Trains of thought have simply not arrived at their destination! No more needs be to said ... especially as there is better news.

Roam went down to London today for his interview at the University of Westminster. He says it went very well and he's totally enthused about the course (television production) and the facilities there. It's supposed to be the best of its kind in the country. He feels confident he will get an offer and I think he'll bite their hands off he does! To be surrounded by other bright and creative young people in such a stimulating environment would be an amazing experience. Fingers crossed it works out for him. It's a fantastic opportunity, one I didn't even dare to hope that he'd get.

I went out for a run on the moor after work, bumping into Dr. Mackem on the way, but I felt I wasn't really open to the world. I didn't really see any photographs. I was struggling to let go of the difficulties of the day I think. I'm happy enough to post this one though, taken first thing this morning on the way to the station (before things started going wrong). The sky was crystal clear, the sun very bright, and the frost very hard. It felt like a mid-winter's day.

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