Last Monday

Arrived at 8.30 and left at 6, long shift today but we got loads done. plan was to finish off the one remaining order and then top up some of the other large applications which had been given smaller quantities than they needed when we were short of gifts. The volunteers were amazing and we got through more than we expected as the final collections from the drop off points were very fruitful.

Another full van was delivered just before we headed home and since coming home the second van has delivered almost the same again.

A couple more orders to top up and we will be able to start tidying up tomorrow. Looks like we will have some gifts leftover but it will at least give us a good start for next year.

Home to heat up leftovers for dinner and to finish watching Bridget Jones’s baby - the third film I watched yesterday.

Thanks for your lovely comments , stars and sprinkling of favourites.

A wee bit of a cheat for today’s MonoMonday challenge of something to rhyme with blessed, so I’ve gone with dressed (as in decorated tree).

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